Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Cute

So the other day I decided to join the facebook world so that I could find some old friends and keep in touch with them. That has been nice to recall the old days and see what people are up to now. One person I found was Kristi and yesterday she posted some new pictures from a long long time ago. Let us all now look at how cute I was. 

The Grill

So last week my roommate Brad found a barbeque on in the trash at some store. Since it was going to be trashed they gave it to him for free. So after a week of cleaning and repairing it was finally ready today for the first use, and boy did it work great.

Sunday, September 14, 2008



I am now in the blogging world. Another new adventure we will have to see how I do at this. This will be my adventures in paradise if I can keep posted.