Monday, July 27, 2009

FInal Preperation

This weekend as a final preparation before the big event I went to Kauai with some friends and hiked the Na Pali coast. It was a 22 mile expedition that took two days. It was a wonderful trip it is a beautiful hike and was just so much fun. Tomorrow I am going to get some pictures of other people's cameras and I will then post some and tell more about the trip. The basic story is that we hiked alot made friends with some nice people camped on the beach and I wish I did not have to leave and was still there.


Elizabeth said...

Sounds like a fun hike.

Becky Andrews said...

Thanks for your comment - We are going to Hawaii - 2 days in Kaui - any recommendations?

Cocoa Lover said...

When do we get to see the JMT pictures and hear about that. Still waiting.